Minggu, 01 Mei 2016


Profit is an income distributed to the owner in a profitable market production process (business). Profit is a measure of profitability which is the owner’s major interest in income formation process of market production. There are several profit measures in common use.ncome formation in market production is always a balance between income generation and income distribution. The income generated is always distributed to the stakeholders of production as economic value within the review period. The profit is the share of income formation the owner is able to keep to himself in the income distribution process. Profit is one of the major sources of economic well-being because it means incomes and opportunities to develop production. The words income, profit and earnings are substitutes in this context.when the quality-price-ratio of the commodities improves and more satisfaction is achieved at less cost. Improving the quality-price-ratio of commodities is to a producer an essential way to enhance the production performance but this kind of gains distributed to customers cannot be measured with production data.
Economic well-being also increases due to the growth of incomes that are gained from the growing and more efficient market production. Market production is the only one production form which creates and distributes incomes to stakeholders. Public production and household production are financed by the incomes generated in market production. Thus market production has a double role in creating well-being, i.e. the role of producing developing commodities and the role of creating income. Because of this double role, market production is the “primus motor” of economic well-being and therefore here under review.

Normal profit is a component of (implicit) costs and not a component of business profit at all. It represents the opportunity cost, as the time that the owner spends running the firm could be spent on running a different firm. The enterprise component of normal profit is thus the profit that a business owner considers necessary to make running the business worth her or his while i.e. it is comparable to the next best amount the entrepreneur could earn doing another job.[1] Particularly if enterprise is not included as a factor of production, it can also be viewed a return to capital for investors including the entrepreneur, equivalent to the return the capital owner could have expected (in a safe investment), plus compensation for risk.[2] In other words, the cost of normal profit varies both within and across industries; it is commensurate with the riskiness associated with each type of investment, as per the risk-return spectrum

Economic profit does not occur in perfect competition in long run equilibrium; if it did, there would be an incentive for new firms to enter the industry, aided by a lack of barriers to entry until there was no longer any economic profit.As new firms enter the industry, they increase the supply of the product available in the market, and these new firms are forced to charge a lower price to entice consumers to buy the additional supply these new firms are supplying as the firms all compete for customers (See "Persistence" in the Monopoly Profit discussion)Incumbent firms within the industry face losing their existing customers to the new firms entering the industry, and are therefore forced to lower their prices to match the lower prices set by the new firms. New firms will continue to enter the industry until the price of the product is lowered to the point that it is the same as the average cost of producing the product, and all of the economic profit disappears When this happens, economic agents outside of the industry find no advantage to forming new firms that enter into the industry, the supply of the product stops increasing, and the price charged for the product stabilizes, settling into an equilibrium.

Economic profit is, however, much more prevalent in uncompetitive markets such as in a perfect monopoly or oligopoly situation. In these scenarios, individual firms have some element of market power: Though monopolists are constrained by consumer demand, they are not price takers, but instead either price-setters or quantity setters.he social profit from a firm's activities is the normal profit plus or minus any externalities or consumer surpluses that occur in its activity. A firm may report relatively large monetary profits, but by creating negative externalities their social profit could be relatively small.
Profitability is a term of economic efficiency. Mathematically it is a relative index – a fraction with profit as numerator and generating profit flows or assets as denominator.


It is a standard economic assumption (though not necessarily a perfect one in the real world) that, other things being equal, a firm will attempt to maximize its profits.Given that profit is defined as the difference in total revenue and total cost, a firm achieves a maximum by operating at the point where the difference between the two is at its greatest.nother significant factor for profit maximization is "Market Fractionation". A company may sell goods in several regions or in several countries. Profit is maximized by treating each location as a separate market. Rather than matching supply an demand for the entire company the matching is done within each market. Each market has different competition, different supply constraints (like shipping) and different social factors. When the price of goods in each market area is set by each market then overall profit is maximized.


Definition Risk

Risk is the potential of gaining or losing something of value.[1] Values (such as physical healthsocial status, emotional well-being or financial wealth) can be gained or lost when taking risk resulting from a given action or inaction, foreseen or unforeseen. Risk can also be defined as the intentional interaction with uncertainty. Uncertainty is a potential, unpredictable, and uncontrollable outcome; risk is a consequence of action taken in spite of uncertainty.


The Oxford English Dictionary cites the earliest use of the word in English (in the spelling of risque from its Arabic original "رزق" ) which mean working to gain income gain and profit (see Wikipedia Arabic meaning ) as of 1621, and the spelling as risk from 1655. It defines risk as:
  1. Risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has an effect on at least one [project] objective. (This definition, using project terminology, is easily made universal by removing references to projects).[5]
  2. The probability of something happening multiplied by the resulting cost or benefit if it does. (This concept is more properly known as the 'Expectation Value' or 'Risk Factor' and is used to compare levels of risk)
  3. The probability or threat of quantifiable damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that may be avoided through preemptive action.
  4. Finance: The possibility that an actual return on an investment will be lower than the expected return.
  5. Insurance: A situation where the probability of a variable (such as burning down of a building) is known but when a mode of occurrence or the actual value of the occurrence (whether the fire will occur at a particular property) is not.A risk is not an uncertainty (where neither the probability nor the mode of occurrence is known), a peril (cause of loss), or a hazard (something that makes the occurrence of a peril more likely or more severe).
  6. Securities trading: The probability of a loss or drop in value. Trading risk is divided into two general categories: (1) Systematic risk affects all securities in the same class and is linked to the overall capital-market system and therefore cannot be eliminated by diversification. Also called market risk. (2) Non-systematic risk is any risk that isn't market-related. Also called non-market risk, extra-market risk or diversifiable risk.
  7. Workplace: Product of the consequence and probability of a hazardous event or phenomenon. For example, the risk of developing cancer is estimated as the incremental probability of developing cancer over a lifetime as a result of exposure to potential carcinogens (cancer-causing substances).

International Organization for Standardization

The ISO 31000 (2009) / ISO Guide 73:2002 definition of risk is the 'effect of uncertainty on objectives'. In this definition, uncertainties include events (which may or may not happen) and uncertainties caused by ambiguity or a lack of information. It also includes both negative and positive impacts on objectives. Many definitions of risk exist in common usage, however this definition was developed by an international committee representing over 30 countries and is based on the input of several thousand subject matter experts.

Economic risk

Economic risks can be manifested in lower incomes or higher expenditures than expected. The causes can be many, for instance, the hike in the price for raw materials, the lapsing of deadlines for construction of a new operating facility, disruptions in a production process, emergence of a serious competitor on the market, the loss of key personnel, the change of a political regime, or natural disasters.


Risks in personal health may be reduced by primary prevention actions that decrease early causes of illness or by secondary prevention actions after a person has clearly measured clinical signs or symptoms recognized as risk factors. Tertiary prevention reduces the negative impact of an already established disease by restoring function and reducing disease-related complications. Ethical medical practice requires careful discussion of risk factors with individual patients to obtain informed consent for secondary and tertiary prevention efforts, whereas public health efforts in primary prevention require education of the entire population at risk. In each case, careful communication about risk factors, likely outcomes and certainty must distinguish between causal events that must be decreased and associated events that may be merely consequences rather than causes.

Information technology and information security

Information security means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal, inspection, recording or destruction. Information security grew out of practices and procedures of computer security.
Information security has grown to information assurance (IA) i.e. is the practice of managing risks related to the use, processing, storage, and transmission of information or data and the systems and processes used for those purposes.


Insurance risk is a risk treatment option which involves risk sharing. It can be considered as a form of contingent capital and is akin to purchasing an option in which the buyer pays a small premium to be protected from a potential large loss.
Insurance risk is often taken by insurance companies, who then bear a pool of risks including market risk, credit risk, operational risk, interest rate risk, mortality risk, longevity risks, etc.

High reliability organizations (HROs)

high reliability organization (HRO) is an organization that has succeeded in avoiding catastrophes in an environment where normal accidents can be expected due to risk factors and complexity. Most studies of HROs involve areas such as nuclear aircraft carriers, air traffic control, aerospace and nuclear power stations. Organizations such as these share in common the ability to consistently operate safely in complex, interconnected environments where a single failure in one component could lead to catastrophe. Essentially, they are organizations which appear to operate 'in spite' of an enormous range of risks.
The technique as a whole is usually referred to as probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) (or probabilistic safety assessment, PSA). See WASH-1400 for an example of this approach.


In finance, risk is the chance that the return achieved on an investment will be different from that expected, and also takes into account the size of the difference. This includes the possibility of losing some or all of the original investment. In a view advocated by Damodaran, risk includes not only "downside risk" but also "upside risk" (returns that exceed expectations)
Some people may be "risk seeking", i.e. their utility function's second derivative is positive. Such an individual willingly pays a premium to assume risk (e.g. buys a lottery ticket). Knowing one's risk appetite in conjunction with one's financial well-being are important.


Security risk management involves protection of assets from harm caused by deliberate acts. A more detailed definition is: "A security risk is any event that could result in the compromise of organizational assets i.e. the unauthorized use, loss, damage, disclosure or modification of organizational assets for the profit, personal interest or political interests of individuals, groups or other entities constitutes a compromise of the asset, and includes the risk of harm to people. Compromise of organizational assets may adversely affect the enterprise, its business units and their clients. As such, consideration of security risk is a vital component of risk management."

Risk assessment and analysis

Since risk assessment and management is essential in security management, both are tightly related. Security assessment methodologies like CRAMM contain risk assessment modules as an important part of the first steps of the methodology. On the other hand, risk assessment methodologies like Mehari evolved to become security assessment methodologies. An ISO standard on risk management (Principles and guidelines on implementation) was published under code ISO 31000 on 13 November 2009.

Quantitative analysis[edit]

There are many formal methods used to "measure" risk.
Often the probability of a negative event is estimated by using the frequency of past similar events. Probabilities for rare failures may be difficult to estimate. This makes risk assessment difficult in hazardous industries, for example nuclear energy, where the frequency of failures is rare, while harmful consequences of failure are severe.
Statistical methods may also require the use of a cost function, which in turn may require the calculation of the cost of loss of a human life. This is a difficult problem. One approach is to ask what people are willing to pay to insure against death[35] or radiological release (e.g. GBq of radio-iodine),[citation needed] but as the answers depend very strongly on the circumstances it is not clear that this approach is effective.
Risk is often measured as the expected value of an undesirable outcome. This combines the probabilities of various possible events and some assessment of the corresponding harm into a single value. See also Expected utility. The simplest case is a binary possibility of Accident or No accident. The associated formula for calculating risk is then:
 \text{R} = (\text{probability of the accident occurring}) \times  (\text{expected loss in case of the accident})
For example, if performing activity X has a probability of 0.01 of suffering an accident of A, with a loss of 1000, then total risk is a loss of 10, the product of 0.01 and 1000.
Situations are sometimes more complex than the simple binary possibility case. In a situation with several possible accidents, total risk is the sum of the risks for each different accident, provided that the outcomes are comparable:
 \text{R} =  \sum_\text{For all accidents} (\text{probability of the accident occurring}) \times  (\text{expected loss in case of the accident})
For example, if performing activity X has a probability of 0.01 of suffering an accident of A, with a loss of 1000, and a probability of 0.000001 of suffering an accident of type B, with a loss of 2,000,000, then total loss expectancy is 12, which is equal to a loss of 10 from an accident of type A and 2 from an accident of type B.
One of the first major uses of this concept was for the planning of the Delta Works in 1953, a flood protection program in the Netherlands, with the aid of the mathematician David van Dantzig.[36] The kind of risk analysis pioneered there has become common today in fields like nuclear power, aerospace and the chemical industry.
In statistical decision theory, the risk function is defined as the expected value of a given loss function as a function of the decision rule used to make decisions in the face of uncertainty.

Dread risk

It is common for people to dread some risks but not others: They tend to be very afraid of epidemic diseases, nuclear power plant failures, and plane accidents but are relatively unconcerned about some highly frequent and deadly events, such as traffic crashes, household accidents, and medical errors. One key distinction of dreadful risks seems to be their potential for catastrophic consequences, threatening to kill a large number of people within a short period of time. For example, immediately after the September 11 attacks, many Americans were afraid to fly and took their car instead, a decision that led to a significant increase in the number of fatal crashes in the time period following the 9/11 event compared with the same time period before the attacks.

Risk in auditing

The audit risk model expresses the risk of an auditor providing an inappropriate opinion of a commercial entity's financial statements. It can be analytically expressed as:
AR = IR x CR x DR
Where AR is audit risk, IR is inherent risk, CR is control risk and DR is detection risk.


 Definition Of Cost 

In productionresearchretail, and accountingcost is the value of money that has been used up to produce something, and hence is not available for use anymore.  In business,in which case the amount of money expended to acquire it is counted as cost. In this case, money is the input that is gone in order to acquire the thing. This acquisition cost may be the sum of the cost of production as incurred by the original producer, and further costs of transaction as incurred by the acquirer over and above the price paid to the producer. In  economics,ost is a metric that is totaling up as a result of a process or as a differential for the result of a decision.[1] Hence cost is the metric used in the standard modeling paradigm applied to economic processes.

Type of Cost

1. Historical Cost is the original nominal monetary value of an economic item. Historical cost is based on the stable measuring unit assumption.Historical cost does not generally reflect current market valuation.The historical cost will equal the carrying value if there has been no change recorded in the value of the asset since acquisition. Improvements may be added to the cost basis of an asset.

2. Opportunity Cost is the value of the best alternative forgone where, given limited resources, a choice needs to be made between several mutually exclusive alternatives. Assuming the best choice is made, it is the "cost" incurred by not enjoying the benefit that would have been had by taking the second best available choice. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines it as "the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen." Opportunity cost is a key concept in economics, and has been described as expressing "the basic relationship between scarcity and choice. The notion of opportunity cost plays a crucial part in attempts to ensure that scarce resources are used efficiently. Thus, opportunity costs are not restricted to monetary or financial costs: the real cost of output forgone, lost time, pleasure or any other benefit that provides utility should also be considered opportunity costs.

3. marginal cost is the change in the total cost that arises when the quantity produced is incremented by one unit, that is, it is the cost of producing one more unit of a good.n general terms, marginal cost at each level of production includes any additional costs required to produce the next unit. For example, if producing additional vehicles requires building a new factory, the marginal cost of the extra vehicles includes the cost of the new factory.

4. sunk cost is a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered. Sunk costs (also known as retrospective costs) are sometimes contrasted with prospective costs, which are future costs that may be incurred or changed if an action is taken.However, many economists consider it a mistake to classify sunk costs as "fixed" or "variable." For example, if a firm sinks $400 million on an enterprise software installation, that cost is "sunk" because it was a one-time expense and cannot be recovered once spent. A "fixed" cost would be monthly payments made as part of a service contract or licensing deal with the company that set up the software. The upfront irretrievable payment for the installation should not be deemed a "fixed" cost, with its cost spread out over time. Sunk costs should be kept separate. The "variable costs" for this project might include data centre power usage, etc.

5. transaction cost is a cost incurred in making an economic exchange (restated: the cost of participating in a market.Transaction costs can be divided into three broad categories:
  • Search and information costs are costs such as in determining that the required good is available on the market, which has the lowest price, etc.
  • Bargaining costs are the costs required to come to an acceptable agreement with the other party to the transaction, drawing up an appropriate contract and so on. In game theory this is analyzed for instance in the game of chicken. On asset markets and in market microstructure, the transaction cost is some function of the distance between thebid and ask.
  • Policing and enforcement costs are the costs of making sure the other party sticks to the terms of the contract, and taking appropriate action (often through the legal system) if this turns out not to be the case.

6.  historical cost is the original nominal monetary value of an economic item.Historical cost is based on the stable measuring unit assumption. In some circumstances, assets and liabilities may be shown at their historical cost, as if there had been no change in value since the date of acquisition. The balance sheet value of the item may therefore differ from the real value.
The historical cost will equal the carrying value if there has been no change recorded in the value of the asset since acquisition. Improvements may be added to the cost basis of an asset.
Historical cost does not generally reflect current market valuation. Alternative measurement bases to the historical cost measurement basis, which may be applied for some types of assets for which market values are readily available, require that the carrying value of an asset (or liability) be updated to the market price (mark-to-market valuation) or some other estimate of value that better approximates the real value. Accounting standards may also have different methods required or allowed (even for different types of balance sheet variable real value non-monetary assets or liabilities) as to how the resultant change in value of an asset or liability is recorded, as a part of income or as a direct change to shareholders' equity.
The Capital Maintenance in Units of Constant Purchasing Power model is an International Accounting Standards Board approved alternative basic accounting model to the traditional Historical Cost Accounting model.
When developing a business plan for a new or existing company, product, or project, planners typically make cost estimates in order to assess whether revenues/benefits will cover costs (see cost-benefit analysis). This is done in both business and government. Costs are often underestimated, resulting in cost overrun during execution.
Cost-plus pricing, is where the price equals cost plus a percentage of overhead or profit margin.
Manufacturing Costs are those costs that are directly involved in manufacturing of products. Examples of manufacturing costs include raw materials costs and charges related to workers. Manufacturing cost is divided into three broad categories:
  1. Direct materials cost.
  2. Direct labor cost.
  3. Manufacturing overhead cost.
Non-manufacturing Costs are those costs that are not directly incurred in manufacturing a product. Examples of such costs are salary of sales personnel and advertisingexpenses. Generally non-manufacturing costs are further classified into two categories:
  1. Selling and distribution Costs.
  2. Administrative Costs.

Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Tugas Kewirausahaan 3

Berasal dari kata enterpteneur yang berarti orang yang membeli barang dengan harga pasti meskipun orang itu belum mengetahui berapa harga barang yang akan dijual. Wirausaha sering juga disebut wiraswasta yang artinya sifat-sifat keberanian, keutamaan, keteladanan dalam mengambil resiko yang bersumber pada kemampuan sendiri. Meski demikian wirausaha dan wiraswasta sebenarnya memiliki arti yang berbeda . Wiraswasta tidak memiliki visi pengembangan usaha sedangkan wirausaha mampu terus berkembang dan mencoba usaha lainnya. Istilah lainnya yang semakna dengan wirausaha adalah wiraswasta. Istilah wiraswasta lebih sering dipakai dan lebih dikenal daripada wirausaha. Padahal, keduanya bermakna sama dan merupakan padanan dari kata entrepreneur. Kata wiraswasta berasal dari gabungan wira-swa-sta dalam bahasa sansekerta. Wira berarti utama, gagah, luhur, berani, teladan, atau pejuang; swa berarti sendiri atau mandiri; sta berarti berdiri; swasta berarti berdiri ditas kaki sendiri atau dengan kata lain berdiri di atas kemampuan sendiri. Sedangkan wirausahawan mengandung arti secara harfah, wira berarti berani dan usaha berarti daya upaya atau dengan kata lain wirausaha adalah kemampuan atau keberanian yang dimiliki oleh seseorang untuk melihat dan menilai kesempatan bisnis, mengumpulkan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan untuk mengambil tindakan yang tepat dan mengambil keuntungan dalam rangka meraih kesuksesan.
Berdasarkan makna-makna tersebut, kata wiraswasta atau wirausaha berarti pejuang yang gagah, luhur, berani dan pantas menjadi teladan di bidang usaha. Dengan kalimat lain, wirausaha adalah orang-orang yang mempunyai sifat-sifat kewiraswastaan atau kewira-usahaan. Ia bersikap berani unuk mengambil resiko. Ia juga memiliki leutamaan, kreatifitas, dan teladan dalam menangani usaha atau perusahaan. Keberaniannya berpijak pada kemampuan sendiri atau kemandiriannya. Pengertian lainnya menyebutkan kewirausahaan adalah proses menciptakan sesuatu yang lain dengan menggunakan waktu dan kegiatan disertai modal dan resiko serta menerima balas jasa dan kepuasan serta kebebasan pribadi.
Kewirausahaan memiliki arti yang berbeda-beda antar para ahli atau sumber acuan karena berbeda-beda titik berat dan penekanannya. Richard Cantillon (1775) misalnya, mendefinisikan kewirausahaan sebagai bekerja sendiri (self-employment). Seorang wirausahawan membeli barang saat ini pada harga tertentu dan menjualnya pada masa yang akan datang dengan harga tidak menentu. Jadi definisi inikewirausahaan adalah lebih menekankan pada bagaimana seseorang menghadapi risiko atau ketidakpastian. Berbeda dengan para ahli lainnya, menurut Penrose (1963) kegiatan kewirausahaan mencakup indentfikasi peluang-peluang di dalam sistem ekonomi sedangkan menurut Harvey Leibenstein (1968, 1979) kewirausahaan mencakup kegiatan yang dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan atau melaksanakan perusahaan pada saat semua pasar belum terbentuk atau belum teridentifikasi dengan jelas, atau komponen fungsi produksinya belum diketahui sepenuhnya dan menurut Peter Drucker, kewirausahaan adalah kemampuan untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang baru dan berbeda.
Menurut Dan Steinhoff dan John F. Burgess (1993:35) wirausaha adalah orang yang mengorganisir, mengelola dan berani menanggung resiko untuk menciptakan usaha baru dan peluang berusaha. Secara esensi pengertian entrepreneurship adalah suatu sikap mental, pandangan, wawasan serta pola pikir dan pola tindak seseorang terhadap tugas-tugas yang menjadi tanggungjawabnya dan selalu berorientasi kepada pelanggan. Atau dapat juga diartikan sebagai semua tindakan dari seseorang yang mampu memberi nilai terhadap tugas dan tanggungjawabnya. Adapun kewirausahaan merupakan sikap mental dan sifat jiwa yang selalu aktif dalam berusaha untuk memajukan karya baktinya dalam rangka upaya meningkatkan pendapatan di dalam kegiatan usahanya. Selain itu kewirausahan adalah kemampuan kreatif dan inovatif yang dijadikan dasar, kiat, dan sumber daya untuk mencari peluang menuju sukses. Inti dari kewirausahaan adalah kemampuan untuk menciptakan seuatu yang baru dan berbeda (create new and different) melaui berpikir kreatif dan bertindak inovatif untuk menciptakan peluang dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup. Pada hakekatnya kewirausahaan adalah sifat, ciri, dan watak seseorang yang memiliki kemauan dalam mewujudkan gagasan inovatif kedalam dunia nyata secara kreatif.
Ciri-ciri dan Sifat kewirausahaan
Untuk dapat mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan, maka setiap orang memerlukan ciri-ciri dan juga memiliki sifat-sifat dalam kewirausahaan. Ciri-ciri seorang wirausaha adalah:
       Percaya diri
   Berorientasikan tugas dan hasil
   Pengambil risiko
       Berorientasi ke masa depan
              Jujur dan tekun
Sifat-sifat seorang wirausaha adalah:
    1.   Memiliki sifat keyakinan, kemandirian, individualitas, optimisme.
   2.    Selalu berusaha untuk berprestasi, berorientasi pada laba, memiliki ketekunan dan ketabahan, memiliki      
         tekad yang kuat, suka bekerja keras, energik ddan memiliki inisiatif.
    3.  Memiliki kemampuan mengambil risiko dan suka pada tantangan.  
4. 4. Bertingkah laku sebagai pemimpin, dapat bergaul dengan orang lain dan suka terhadap saran dan kritik 
         yang membangun.
    5. Memiliki inovasi dan kreativitas tinggi, fleksibel, serba bisa dan memiliki jaringan bisnis yang luas.
    6.Memiliki persepsi dan cara pandang yang berorientasi pada masa depan.
    7.Memiliki keyakinan bahwa hidup itu sama dengan kerja keras.

·         Tahap-tahap kewirausahaan
Secara umum tahap-tahap melakukan wirausaha:
1. Tahap memulai
Tahap di mana seseorang yang berniat untuk melakukan usaha mempersiapkan segala sesuatu yang diperlukan, diawali dengan melihat peluang usaha baru yang mungkin apakah membuka usaha baru, melakukan akuisisi, atau melakukan ‘’franchising’’. Tahap ini juga memilih jenis usaha yang akan dilakukan apakah di bidang pertanian, industri, atau jasa.
Ø  Tahap melaksanakan usaha
Dalam tahap ini seorang wirausahawan mengelola berbagai aspek yang terkait dengan usahanya, mencakup aspek-aspek: pembiayaan, SDM, kepemilikan, organisasi, kepemimpinan yang meliputi bagaimana mengambil risiko dan mengambil keputusan, pemasaran, dan melakukan evaluasi.
2. Tahap mempertahankan usaha
Tahap di mana wirausahawan berdasarkan hasil yang telah dicapai melakukan analisis perkembangan yang dicapai untuk ditindaklanjuti sesuai dengan kondisi yang dihadapi.
    3. Tahap mengembangkan usaha

Tahap di mana jika hasil yang diperoleh tergolong positif atau mengalami perkembangan atau dapat bertahan maka perluasan usaha menjadi salah satu pilihan yang mungkin diambil.

·         Kreatifitas dan Inovasi
Kreatifitas adalah kemampuan untuk menghasilkan sesuatu yang baru, baik berupa gagasan maupun produk, yang relative berbeda dari yang telah ada sebelumnya. Kunci utama seseorang setelah memutuskan untuk menjadi entrepreneur ialah berfikir kreatif. Tanpa kreatifitas mimpi adalah angan-angan saja. Berfikir kreatif harus memiliki dasar pola pikir kreatif untuk membantu memecahkan permasalahan guna menemukan solusinya.
Cirri orang yang kreatif:
1.      Kelancaran→banyak gagasan dikemukakan secara lancer
2.      keluwesan→dalam pemecahan masalah
3.      keaslian→mempunyai gagasan asli
4.      penguraian→dapat menguraikan secara rinci
5.      perumusan kembali dengan perspektif yang baik
Inovasi adalah proses menemukan atau mengimplementasikan suatu yang baru ke dalam situasi yang baru. Untuk menghasilkan perilaku inovatif, seseorang harus melihat inovasi secara mendasar sebagai proses yang dapat dikelola. Memikirkan dan melakukan sesuatu yang baru, yang menambah atau menciptakan nilai atau manfaat.
Karakter individu untuk perilaku inovatif
1.      memiliki visi yang jelas terhadap hasil yang dicapai
2.      mendefinisikan sasaran yang spesifik dan mengambil manfaat
3.      menghadirkan contoh, masalah atau wujud nyata ide
4.      mendapatkan dukungan dari lingkungan dan sumber daya
5.      berani mengambil resiko
6.      mampu memotivasi dan menginspirasi orang
7.      mampu mengatasi hambatan dengan baik
8.      tekun
·         Analisis peluang bisnis dan Analisis pasar
Analisis peluang usaha
     1.Analisis kebutuhab pasar/konsumen
Jika seseorang memiliki konsep, namun sebelum memiliki konsep, ia harus tahu apakah konsep tersebut memenuhi syarat kebutuhan pasar.
     2. Analisis kebutuhan materi dan produk
Jika konsep usaha sudah tepat dengan kebutuhan pasar. Apakah materi dari usaha dapat diperoleh dengan mudah, mencakup bahan baku, tempat, harga, dll.
      3. Analisis keberlanjutan usaha kedepan
Jika usaha sudah sesuai dengan 2 syarat diatas, untuk kedepan, juga harus merancang, apakah kedepan usaha nantinya akan berjalan dengan lancer atau perlu suatu inovasi. 
4. Analisis pesaing usaha
Setiap usaha tidak lepas dari persaingan, usaha yang akan dibuka nantinya, ada baiknya melihat usaha lain sejenis disekitar tempat usaha.
       5.Analisis pendapatan dan pengembangan
Setiap usaha tentunya yang ingin dituju adalah pendapatan.analisis perkiraan pendapat
An dengan factor minimum dan maksimum, serta BEP yang akan didapat pada pendapatan keberapa. Setelah analisis pendapatan, ada baiknya analisis juga pengembangan kedepan untuk usaha.

sumber :  http://gudangartikels.blogspot.co.id/2015/11/dasar-dasar-kewirausahaan.html

 Kesimpulan :

Kewirausahaan berasal dari kata wiraswasta atau wirausaha berarti pejuang yang gagah, luhur, berani dan pantas menjadi teladan di bidang usaha. Dengan  kata lain, wirausaha adalah orang-orang yang mempunyai sifat-sifat kewiraswastaan atau kewira-usahaan. Ia bersikap berani unuk mengambil resiko. Ia juga memiliki leutamaan, kreatifitas, dan teladan dalam menangani usaha atau perusahaan dan berani mengambil resiko untuk menggapai kesuksesannya dia juga harus mempunyai kreatifitas, keyakinan, keoptimisan,perfektif yang baik serta Memiliki persepsi dan cara pandang yang berorientasi pada masa depan.